If you need a visa to enter India, please contact the local arragements chair (lac@iciit.in) to get an invitation letter to present to your Indian Embassy or Consulate. Please drop an email with the following information:
Note: Invitation letters for visa purposes can only be sent to people who have completed the registration process.
This letter, however, does not involve any commitments by the conference organizers to cover fees, accommodation, travel expenses or other costs connected to the participation in the ICIIT 2018. It is an ordinary conference invitation letter. However, experiences indicate that this is good enough for most situations and most locations for applying for the visa.
All Individual visa seekers are requested to apply for the Indian Visa through Online application link, in order to make an application for getting the Indian visa.
The duly signed physical copy of the application form completed in all respect and submitted successfully, is to be submitted to the concerned Indian Visa Application Center (IVAC) or directly to Indian Mission/ Post, on the scheduled date of interview along with the requisite supporting documents. The instructions for filling the form and scheduling the appointment can be seen at Instructions for Regular Visa Application. Important technical information for filling online Indian visa application can be referred at Technical Instructions.
For further information follow the link: Indian Visa Online (Government of India)