ICIIT 2018
Style and Author Instructions

December 11 - 14, 2018
College of Engineering Guindy (CEG)
Anna University, Chennai, INDIA

ICIIT 2018 : Style and Author Instructions


  • General guidelines for the preparation of proceedings papers could be found on the Springer website.
  • Formatting Guidelines, LaTeX Styles and Word Template can be downloaded here.

  • Papers should be formatted according to the Springer Format.
  • Papers not strictly following the templates will be excluded from the conference proceedings.
  • The maximum paper length is 12 pages excluding references and acknowledgements, and 15 pages including references and acknowledgements.
  • For all tracks, the versions submitted for review must be uploaded in PDF format. Wherever necessary, videos accompanying paper submissions must be in a standard video format playable on a generic movie player.

Users of MS Word

Production of the camera-ready paper will be a much smoother process if authors make use of the available MS Word template, which incorporates all the recommended formatting guidelines:

  • Template supporting MS Office 2007/2010 Word
  • Template supporting MS Office 2003 Word

Users of LaTeX

Authors who wish to use LaTeX for the preparation may use this Template provided by Springer for formatting. Check the included readme.txt file for further instructions.

Double-Blind Reviewing

Reviewing for ICIIT 2018 is double-blind; i.e., reviewers will not know the authors’ identity (and vice versa). Note that anonymizing your paper is obligatory, and papers that explicitly or implicitly reveal the authors’ identities may be rejected. In brief, please refer to your prior work in the third person wherever possible. In brief, please refer to your prior work in the third person wherever possible. A reviewer may be able to deduce the authors’ identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the web. The availability of information on the web that may allow reviewers to infer the authors’ identities does not constitute a breach of the double-blind submission policy.

Supplementary Material

ICIIT 2018 supports the submission of supplementary material, such as software, videos, or data sets. In particular, if you make anonymous references in the paper, please upload the referenced papers, so that the reviewers can take a quick look. Please also take care not to reveal your identity in the supplementary material.

However, note that submitted papers must be entirely self-contained. Reviewers are encouraged, but not obliged to look at the provided supplementary material because we also do not want to burden reviewers unnecessarily. In particular, you must not use supplementary material for extending the length of your paper. If there is material that you believe is critical to the evaluation of your paper, it needs to be included in the paper.

The supplementary material must be submitted as a zip file, even if it only contains a single PDF document.

Supplementary material will not be published or archived. If you want to include it in a final version of the paper, you must put it on a web site and reference the site in the final version of your paper.


  • ISRO






  • Ashok Leyland

    Ashok Leyland

  • Flipkart
