ICIIT 2018
Third International Conference on
Intelligent Information Technologies

December 11 - 14, 2018
College of Engineering Guindy (CEG)
Anna University, Chennai, INDIA

ICIIT 2018
industry day

December 14, 2018
College of Engineering Guindy (CEG)
Anna University, Chennai, INDIA

Welcome to ICIIT-2018!

We are delighted to invite you to take part in the leading conference ICIIT. The Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies (ICIIT 2018) will be held in College of Engineering Guindy (CEG), Anna University, Chennai, India during December 11-14, 2018. The theme of this year's conference is "Data Science & Analytics". We will have technical paper sessions, invited talks, and panels organized around this theme. At ICIIT - 2018, you will have the opportunity to meet some of the world's leading researchers, to learn about their newest research results and developments, and to catch up with current trends in science and industry. And, of course, ICIIT - 2018 will be the perfect forum for presenting your own achievements, both to specialists in your field and to the Data Science world in general.

The ICIIT Industry Day is a networking event for industry executives, entrepreneurs and researchers. This event is going to be held on December 14, 2018. For more information go to Industry day.

So, mark the dates on your calendar and start thinking about which papers to submit and which systems to demonstrate. If you work for a company, consider taking advantage of the exhibition opportunities, that ICIIT - 2018 will provide. And if you are a potential sponsor please check our sponsorship brochure.

Looking forward to meeting you in CEG, Chennai, India!
The ICIIT - 2018 Conference Committee.

Important Dates
Paper Submission
July 15, 2018  July 29, 2018
Acceptance Notification
September 10, 2018
September 14, 2018
September 24, 2018
Early- Bird Registration
November 01, 2018
Conference Dates
December 11 - 14, 2018
Publication Partner



  • ISRO






  • Ashok Leyland

    Ashok Leyland

  • Flipkart
