ICIIT 2018
Call for Tutorial Proposals

December 11 - 14, 2018
College of Engineering Guindy (CEG)
Anna University, Chennai, INDIA

ICIIT 2018 : Call for Tutorial Proposals

The ICIIT 2018 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be given on December 10th, 2018, immediately preceding the main conference. We welcome proposals for tutorials on topics of emerging importance for Data Science & Analytics. We will consider tutorials on any topic if the proposal makes a strong argument that, such a tutorial serves an important function for the ICIIT community. Tutorials should be of interest to a substantial part of the ICIIT audience and represent a sufficiently mature area of research or practice. We especially encourage tutorials with a hands-on component.

We anticipate to accept four tutorials, running two in parallel; each tutorial will be 2 hours long.


Proposal Submission Deadline: September 30th, 2018 October 10th, 2018
Acceptance Notification: October 15th, 2018 October 25th, 2018
Syllabus and Course Handouts Posted: November 20th, 2018
ICIIT Tutorial Day: December 10, 2018


Proposals should be in PDF structured to answer the following questions:

  1. Title
  2. Brief description and outline: What will the tutorial be about? Please include a detailed outline of what you plan to cover. If available, please include samples of your past tutorial slides and links to video recordings on the topic.
  3. Goals: What objectives does the tutorial serve? Why is it important to include it as a part of ICIIT 2018?
  4. Target audience: Who is your target audience? How many participants do you expect to see? What kind of prerequisites do you expect them to have?
  5. Presenters: Please include the names and email addresses of the presenters, along with brief bios. Since time is short, we suggest that each tutorial is given by at most two presenters. If there is more than one presenter, please describe how time will be split. Please briefly describe each presenter’s expertise in the tutorial area.

Tutorial proposals should be submitted to iciit2018tutorial@iciit.in by September 30th, 2018 October 10th, 2018. Note: Please use “ICIIT 2018 : Tutorial” in the subject line.

Tutorial Chair, ICIIT 2018
Dr. Shalini Urs, MYRA School of Business, Mysuru, India


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  • Ashok Leyland

    Ashok Leyland

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