ICIIT 2018
call for papers

December 11 - 14, 2018
College of Engineering Guindy (CEG)
Anna University, Chennai, INDIA

ICIIT 2018 : Call for Papers

The Program Committee of the Third International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies (ICIIT - 2018) invites the submission of technical papers for the main track of the conference. Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of Data Science & Analytics for publication in the conference proceedings. Papers may address any area of Data Science & Analytics, including those identified in the conference topics. All paper submissions will be peer-reviewed (double-blind review process) by an international panel of experts and will receive mindful and rigorous reviews. The review process will retain the anonymity of authors and reviewers. After review, authors of borderline papers may submit a rebuttal (the meta-review will clearly state where this is appropriate). You can also download a PDF copy of the Conference Brochure here.

Submission Site: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIIT2018

All deadlines 23:59 (GMT, UTC+05:30) unless specified otherwise.

>> Style and Author Instructions


Paper Submission
July 15, 2018  July 29, 2018
Reviews for Rebuttals
August 29, 2018
Rebuttals Due
September 05, 2018
Acceptance Notification
September 10, 2018
September 14, 2018
September 24, 2018


Any submission that significantly exceeds length limits or deviates from formatting requirements may be rejected without review

At least one author for each accepted submission must register for the conference by September 24, 2018 for the submission to be included in the proceedings.


  • Data Science Foundations
    • Foundational theories and models of data science
    • Foundational algorithms and methods for big data
    • Feature selection, transformation and construction
    • Data classification and taxonomy
    • Data metrics and metrology
    • Machine learning and deep learning
    • Data analytics
    • Data preservation and provenance
    • Fault tolerance, reliability and availability
    • Security, privacy and trust in Data
  • Data Processing Technologies
    • Data sensing, fusion and mining
    • Dimensionality reduction, processing and proactive service layers
    • Data capturing, and scheduling techniques
    • Stream data processing and integration
    • Parallel and distributed data storage and processing infrastructure
    • MapReduce, Hadoop, Spark, scalable computing and storage platforms
    • Replication, archiving, preservation strategies
    • Remote data access
    • Data Management and Analytics
      • Data warehouses and large-scale databases
      • Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) Databases
      • Memory, disk and cloud-based storage and analytics
      • High performance computing and processing
      • Information visualization and visual data analytics
      • Information and knowledge retrieval and semantic search
      • Human-machine interaction and interfaces
      • Stream Data Management and Analytics
      • Multimedia Data Analytics
    • Data Science & its Applications
      • Text analytics and NLP
      • Data-intensive applications and their challenges
      • Social mining analytics and applications
      • Human-in-the-loop systems
      • Crowdsourcing and collective intelligence applications
      • Robotics
      • Data science applications in healthcare, education, social science, business, transportation, energy, telecommunications, science, and humanities


    • Papers should be formatted according to Springer Format.
    • Papers will be subject to Double blind peer review. Selection criteria include originality of ideas, correctness, clarity and significance of results and quality of presentation.
    • The maximum paper length is 12 pages excluding references and acknowledgements, and 15 pages including references and acknowledgements.
    • Authors should guarantee the anonymity of their submissions. Please avoid names and affiliations in the first page of the manuscript. Avoid obvious identifying statements in the paper. Citations to your own relevant work should not be anonymous, but rather should be done without identifying yourself as the author. For example, say "Prior work by [authors]" instead of "In our prior work."
    • DO NOT INCLUDE headers and footers in the paper
    • Each individual author is limited to a maximum of three submissions as an author or co-author.
    • The list of authors provided at submission time is final. Authors may not be added to, or removed from, papers following submission. (However, author ordering may still be changed.)


    It is not appropriate to submit papers that are identical (or substantially similar) to versions that have been previously published, or accepted for publication, or that have been submitted in parallel to other conferences. Such submissions violate our dual submission policy.


    All submissions will be treated in strict confidence until the publication date.


    All people involved in the ICIIT 2018 review process adhere to the ICIIT conflict of interest policy. To minimize biases in the evaluation process, we use CMT's conflict management system through which authors should flag conflicts with members of the Conference Committee(including PC Members and Chairs). It is the full responsibility of all authors of a paper to identify their potential conflict-of-interest with the Committee members, according to the following definition:

    Author A has a conflict with person X:

    • If A and X have worked in the same university, company or organization in the past two years, or will be doing so in the next six months on account of an accepted job offer.
    • Different campuses do not count as the same university for this purpose.
    • If A and X have collaborated recently, as evidenced in a joint publication or jointly organized event in the past two years or are collaborating now.
    • If A is the PhD thesis advisor of X or vice versa, irrespective of how long ago this was.
    • If A is a relative or close friend, subjectively defined.


    Accepted papers must contain significant novel results. Results can be either theoretical or empirical. Results will be judged on the degree to which they have been objectively established and/or their potential for scientific and technological impact.


    Reviewing for ICIIT 2018 is double-blind; i.e., reviewers will not know the authors’ identity (and vice versa). Note that anonymizing your paper is obligatory, and papers that explicitly or implicitly reveal the authors’ identities may be rejected. In brief, please refer to your prior work in the third person wherever possible. In brief, please refer to your prior work in the third person wherever possible. A reviewer may be able to deduce the authors’ identities by using external resources, such as technical reports published on the web. The availability of information on the web that may allow reviewers to infer the authors’ identities does not constitute a breach of the double-blind submission policy. The decision of the Program Committee will be final and cannot be appealed.


    All the Accepted full papers must be presented at the conference and will be published in Springer CCIS (Volume No: 941). ICIIT 2018 Volume will be systematically submitted by Springer to various indexing services, including DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, SCImago, Scopus and it is submitted for the inclusion in ISI Proceedings and Inspec.