ICIIT 2025 Call for Undergraduate Consortium


The Undergraduate Consortium at ICIIT 2025 aims to increase and support the participation of undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds in AI research related to the conference theme. The Undergraduate Consortium Consortium will:

Only undergraduate students can submit papers (they must be the primary authors, but co-authors and advisors are allowed). Students interested in AI research careers are encouraged to apply.

Target Audience

The UG Consortium is aimed at current undergraduate students who:

Please note that in-person attendance is required for the UG Consortium, and remote participation is not allowed.

Important Dates

Submission: Nov 30, 2024
Notification: Dec 15, 2024
Consortium Date: Mar 14, 2025
Conference: Mar 12-14, 2025

Applications must be submitted using the following submission portal by 11:59:59 pm (AoE) on the stated deadline date.The Submission Site is https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIITUC2025

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be formatted according to the [ Author Guidelines ] provided on the conference website.

Page limit: Submissions should be a maximum of 4 pages, including references

The submission should include all authors and their affiliations (i.e., no anonymous submissions), and an undergraduate student must be the leading author of the paper. 

Once submitted, no changes to the author list will be allowed. Each Undergraduate student is limited to one submission, and only papers that present some preliminary results and are relevant to the ICIIT theme will be considered.

Extended abstract of the accepted paper titles and authors will be published in the ICIIT 2025 conference website.

Personal Statement

The student’s personal statement will be submitted at the same time as the research paper using the CMT submission system. It should help readers understand the student’s interest, research direction, contributions, and future goals. In their statement, you should answer the following questions

Reflection on Research Journey

Review Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on:

Additionally, a subset of the students will be invited to present their papers orally during the UC, while the rest will be invited to present their work in the form of a poster.

Students who are all invited to present their work orally during the UC will receive some financial support towards attending the conference. The maximum support provided to each grantee is determined by the sponsors and is intended to partially offset the grantee's expenses. Depending on the total available funds and the number of recipients, travel expenses may or may not be partially covered. Conference registration will be waived for all students with accepted UC papers.

UG Consortium Chairs

Geetha P, Anna University
Selvi Ravindran, Anna University
For more details, please reach out to the chairs at ugconsortiumchairs@iciit.in