ICIIT 2025 Style and Author Instructions

Instructions for submitting manuscripts

  • Register each paper with Title, Abstract, Authors and Subject Areas.
    • To add new authors, enter each author’s email address next to the "+ Add" button. Please ensure all authors are registered with CMT3 for this step to be successful.
    • For each paper, select one primary subject area.
    • During registration, the file upload field can be left blank.
    • A Paper ID will be assigned upon registration, viewable on the Submissions page.
  • General guidelines for the preparation of proceedings papers can be found on the Springer website.
  • It is highly recommended to typeset your paper in Word or LaTeX according to the instructions provided by Springer into PDF format.
    • Do not include author names anywhere in the paper.
    • Strictly follow the instructions given below and use the template file given below.
  • Rename the pdf file as PaperID.pdf, where PaperID is the number you got in the previous step.
  • Upload your paper. You may edit the Paper, Title, and Abstract until the submission deadline.
  • Upload any supplementary material as a single .zip archive (multiple files) or doc, docx, pdf, pptx, mp4 formats if it is a single file. It is a good idea to "refer to" supplementary material topics in the main paper.
  • Papers not strictly following the templates will be excluded from the conference proceedings.

MS Word Users

For MS Word users, using the provided template will ensure smoother production of the camera-ready paper. Make use of the templates, which incorporate all the recommended formatting guidelines:

LaTeX Users

For authors using LaTeX, Springer provides a dedicated template for formatting. Please refer to the readme.txt file included in the template package for further instructions on proper formatting.