ICIIT 2025 Call for PhD Consortium


The PhD Consortium at ICIIT 2025 is designed to provide PhD students with a valuable platform to present their dissertation plans and early research results. It allows students to receive feedback from experienced researchers, engage in discussions with fellow students, and explore potential collaborations.

The Consortium is open to currently enrolled PhD students. Submissions can cover a wide range of topics related to AI and its applications. The PhD student must be the main author, with collaborators and advisors as co-authors. Priority will be given to students from underrepresented groups in computing or those with limited resources.

Some students will be selected to give oral presentations, while others will present through poster sessions.

The Consortium will also include a panel discussion on various career paths and research opportunities in academia and industry. This session offers an avenue for PhD students to ask questions and seek advice on their doctoral studies and future careers.

Please note that in-person attendance is required for the PhD Consortium, and remote participation is not allowed.

Important Dates

Submission: Nov 30, 2024
Notification: Dec 15, 2024
Consortium Date: Mar 14, 2025
Conference: Mar 12-14, 2025

Applications must be submitted using the following submission portal by 11:59:59 pm (AoE) on the stated deadline date.The Submission Site is https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIITPhDConsortium2025

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be formatted according to the [ Author Guidelines ] provided on the conference website.

Page limit: Submissions should be a maximum of 4 pages, including references

The submission should include all authors and their affiliations (i.e., no anonymous submissions), and the PhD student must be the first author. Once submitted, no changes to the author list will be allowed. Each PhD student is limited to one submission, and only papers that present some preliminary results and are relevant to the ICIIT theme will be considered.

Extended abstract of the accepted paper titles and authors will be published in the ICIIT 2025 conference website.


Include a 1-page CV that summarizes your background, research publications, and other relevant experiences (education, jobs, open-source projects, etc.). The publication list must include the venue, year, and all authors.

Review Criteria

Submissions will be evaluated based on:

PhD Consortium Chairs

Vani K, Anna University
Bama S, Anna University
For more details, please reach out to the chairs at phdconsortiumchairs@iciit.in