ICIIT 2025 Call for Demo Track Papers


The Demo track at ICIIT is a great chance for researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to showcase their latest innovations, prototypes, tools, systems, or libraries in fields like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, and related areas. This track allows for interactive presentations and demonstrations, giving attendees the opportunity to engage directly with the latest advancements. Accepted demos will also be published in the conference proceedings as a paper. We also highly encourage submissions to include external material related to the demo (e.g., code repository on Github or equivalent) in the submission.

We welcome demo submissions on any topic related to the conference theme. The scope is wide and includes all areas of interest to the ICIIT conference. Demos should showcase original and innovative work, such as solving new technical or research problems or developing a novel UI/UX.

Authors of accepted demos can choose to either present a recorded demo or a live demo at the conference. Recorded demos will be pre-recorded videos. Papers submitted with accepted demos will be included in the conference proceedings. Please review the policies on Dual Submission, Plagiarism, and Conflict of Interest before finalizing your submission.

Important Dates

Submission: Nov 30, 2024
Notification: Dec 15, 2024
Camera-ready & Registration: Jan 05, 2025
Conference: Mar 12-14, 2025

Papers must be submitted using the following submission portal by 11:59:59 pm (AoE) on the stated deadline date. The Submission Site is https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIITDemo2025

Submission Guidelines

Submissions must be formatted according to the [ Author Guidelines ] provided on the conference website.

Page limit: Submissions should be a maximum of 4 pages, including references

Your submission should describe the technical innovation behind the demo. Each demo submission must include an introduction, a brief description, screenshots, an explanation of the demo’s novelty, and its potential applications. For live demos, indicate how you plan to present the demo and any hardware requirements you may need. Authors must also submit a URL to screenshots, a 2-minute YouTube video showing the demo, or a link to the software in use. Keep in mind that the clearer your demo is for reviewers, the better they can assess its suitability for ICIIT.

Reviewing: Submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the Demo Committee based on originality, significance, quality, and clarity. The review process will be double-blind.

Publication and Registration Policies

Publication: Each accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings.

Registration: To be included in the proceedings, every accepted paper must be covered by a distinct conference registration, e.g., two papers require two registrations, even if they have overlapping authors. This registration must be Full Conference (5-day) or Main Conference (3-day) registration, at the standard (non-student) in-person rate, payment of which must be completed by the camera-ready deadline.

Presentation: Due to the interactive nature of demos, all accepted demo papers must be presented in person at the conference. Papers with no-show presenters may be removed from the proceedings. Additionally, all demos must have a poster displayed on-site.

To help authors with printing their posters, the conference provides a local printing service for a fee, accessible through this link. The organizers will bring the printed posters to the conference venue.

Demo Track Chairs

Vijayalakshmi M, Anna University
Abirami Murugappan, Anna University
For more details, please reach out to the chairs at demochairs@iciit.in