ICIIT 2025 Sponsorship

The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Information Technologies (ICIIT 2025) will be held at the College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, India from March 12-15, 2025. We invite you to participate in the sponsor and exhibitor program for ICIIT 2025.

We invite you to participate in the sponsor and exhibitor program for ICIIT 2025. Chennai City is one of the world’s premier international cities and home to a large array of academic institutions, technology companies and other important players in the Data Science community.

Overview of Collaborations

Only thanks to the generous support of sponsors that we can charge fees that academic participants can afford. The easiest and most typical means by which sponsors may contribute to ICIIT 2025 is through a flat amount of funding toward the organization of the conference in general. ICIIT 2025 is pleased to offer several tiers of benefits to sponsors. In addition, the organizing committee will do its best to accommodate alternative forms of support. The intention of the ICIIT 2025 organizing committee is to ensure that all sponsors receive the highest recognition in return for their generous support to the Conference.

Sponsorship Tiers & Benefits

Specific benefits associated with different tiers of sponsorships are listed below
Benefits Platinum
(₹ 10 Lakhs)
(₹ 5 Lakhs)
(₹ 3 Lakhs)
(₹ 2 Lakhs)

Free conference attendance passes *

10 5 3 2

Special thanks during the opening ceremony

Promotional video displayed during the conference

60-sec max 45-sec max 30-sec max 15-sec max

Promotional video displayed during the conference

1st row 2nd row 3rd row 4th row

Logo in the conference background

Mention in website and social media posts

Promotional material for participants

Sponsor’s booth space (position varies by tier)

* Number of free conference attendance passes provided as per sponsorship tier

Types of Collaborations

Main Conference Sponsorship : Sponsors enjoy benefits like conference registrations, exhibit spaces, and the display of the company logo on printed materials, signs, and the conference website.

Industry Day Sponsorship : On March 15, 2025, Industry Day will feature invited talks, round table discussions, and networking opportunities. Sponsors can participate in a sponsored talk or an exhibition booth.

Sponsorship Chairs

Indragandhi K, Anna University
Geetha G, Anna University
For more details, please reach out to the chairs at sponsorshipchairs@iciit.in