ICIIT 2025 Call for Tutorials


Continuing our tradition of connecting research with practical applications, we are pleased to invite tutorial proposals for ICIIT 2025. Tutorials will provide a platform to showcase the latest tools and technologies in areas like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Autonomous Systems, particularly in relation to AI. Tutorials on interdisciplinary topics, emerging trends, and significant applications are encouraged.

These sessions are aimed at both beginners and users with moderate experience. Tutorial proposals should follow the guidelines below and be limited to 4 pages (excluding references). Accepted tutorials will be included in the conference proceedings.

The conference is planned as an in-person event with no virtual participation option. Hence, virtual presentations are not allowed.

All tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program and are available free of charge to the attendees of the conference.

Important Dates

Submission: Nov 30, 2024
Notification: Dec 15, 2024
Tutorial materials/website: Feb 15, 2025
Tutorial Day: Mar 11, 2025

Proposals must be submitted using the following submission portal by 11:59:59 pm (AoE) on the stated deadline date.The Submission Site is https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICIITTutorials2025

Proposal Submission

We need the following information for your tutorial proposal:


Tutorial proposals must be submitted by Friday, November 30, 2024. Authors should provide a short summary (up to 2 pages) for inclusion in the conference proceedings. This summary should include the tutorial title, abstract, and presenter bios.

For tutorial materials, the content should be available on a GitHub page with the following details: presenters' names and bios, the tutorial outline, and what participants will learn.


For each accepted tutorial, all in-person presenters listed in the proposal are expected to attend the conference and deliver the tutorial in person. At least one presenter must attend in person, as all tutorials will be conducted on-site. Authors of accepted tutorials must prepare a summary for the conference proceedings and present the tutorial at the event.

Tutorial Chairs

Sridhar S, Anna University
Vidya K, Anna University
For more details, please reach out to the chairs at tutorialchairs@iciit.in